Education is constantly changing. These changes are brought about by the various developments and transformations in the national and global communities that impact to a significant extent the needs of our learners.
Here at General de Jesus College, we strive to make our institution a place of learning that responds to these changes to enable us to develop learners who are ready for career and life. Collaboratively, all the members of the GJC Academic Community, work together to ensure an environment that fosters holistic growth and development of our learners. Through our concerted efforts, sincere and passionate purpose, clear vision, mission and objectives, we deliver education and services that go beyond the standards. Guided by our core values of DISCIPLINE, INTEGRITY, and EXCELLENCE, we remain committed to producing graduates who are instilled with competencies and values that will guide them toward the fulfillment of their aspirations.
General de Jesus College envisions itself to be a leading educational institution in the region that unceasingly strives for innovations and excellence so it remains a school that speaks of quality, a school where dreams are nurtured, a school that guarantees a brighter future.
GJCians, we sincerely thank you for entrusting your education with us, Enjoy your academic journey. God bless.
Jeffrey P. Franco